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Thursday, December 16, 2010

yahoo's dire !!!

Yahoo! is closing or merging, Upcoming, Fire Eagle, MyBlogLog, and many more.

Yahoo will shut down several of its Web properties, including Delicious *Yahoo buzz *,and 
AltaVista *, according to a Yahoo presentation slide that was posted on Twitter.

              Former Yahoo employee and Upcoming founder Andy Baio has tweeted out the above Yahoo! (See Below)product team meeting slide that seems to show that Yahoo! is either closing or merging the social bookmarking service as well as Upcoming, Fire Eagle, MyBlogLog and others.
            The slide in question, posted by MyBlogLog founder Eric Marcoullier, shows three rows labeled sunset, merge, and make feature. The aforementioned services were listed under sunset; services under merge include Fire Eagle, Upcoming, Sideline, FoxyTunes, Yahoo Events, and Yahoo People Search.

           "Part of our organizational streamlining involves cutting our investment in underperforming or off-strategy products to put better focus on our core strengths and fund new innovation in the next year and beyond," a Yahoo spokeswoman said via e-mail. 
         "We continuously evaluate and prioritize our portfolio of products and services, and do plan to shut down some products in the coming months such as Yahoo Buzz, our Traffic APIs, and others. We will communicate specific plans when appropriate."

Andy Baio *, Former Yahoo Employee just tweeted that Yahoo gonna Closing or Merging the above Products !!
Source !!

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