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Saturday, November 6, 2010

Reminder System :)

Turn Your Inbox into a Robust Reminder System !

How often do you forget to follow-up with someone based on an e-mail sent to you a week ago? Do you get e-mails that you want to re-read a few months from now? A new service is looking to turn your inbox into a dead-simple reminder and follow-up system.
NudgeMail, which launched this week, isn’t a browser extension, a program you install on your desktop, or even a web app; it operates entirely via e-mail. All you have to do to use NudgeMail is write or forward an e-mail NudgeMail, and it’ll send you that e-mail back at the time you’ve specific. No sign-up is required.

Say your boss e-mails you to follow-up with a client next week. All you have to do is forward that e-mail to “” and NudgeMail will send it back to you seven days later. If you get an e-mail from a friend you don’t want to deal with until tomorrow, you can e-mail it to “” and it’ll arrive the next day.
NudgeMail comes with a variety of commands, ranging from “” to “” (you’ll get the e-mail at 6 PM that evening) to “” (you’ll get the e-mail on February 12, 2011). You can specify times (“”) or intervals of time (“”). There’s even a snooze option (“”) that will send the e-mail back to you in exactly one hour. You can check out the full list of commands here !
NudgeMail essentially turns your Gmail, Outlook or whatever e-mail service you use into a productivity tool for creating simple reminders or making sure you follow-up with people at the right time. Imagine getting an e-mail reminding you to follow-up with an important associate every six months or getting a reminder e-mail about a sale on Saturday that your boyfriend or girlfriend sent you on Wednesday.
Like any other productivity system, you get out of it what you put in. We can also see people with busy inboxes missing some of these reminders in a sea of e-mails. Still, we love the simplicity of NudgeMail. It takes almost no effort at all to get started.
While the service is in beta, it is free for unlimited use. Eventually NudgeMail will adopt a freemium business model, says Stage Two’s Jeremy Toeman (the company that created NudgeMail). There is also a white-label enterprise plan available for companies that want an internal version of the e-mail reminder system.

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